Friday, August 19, 2011

Poetry: The Flower Fair

This isn't one of my favorite poems, but after going to my town's fair and listneing to Dark woods Circus my mind produced this. :D
~I'll shut up now-End Notes~

It's a cool foggy night tonight.
The smell of popcorn is heavy in the air
My sky's been bleached by neon lights,
Tis a perfect night for the Flower Fair!

The funnel cakes are so sweet!
Decored with powdered sugar,
Pure as new fallen snow and topped with red berries,
Take a bite, and for a moment mask the lingering bitter taste.

It's so easy to lose yourself to the crowd.
The tents and rides,
They all look the same to me!
The bright lights make it hard to see
In night's black shroud.

We'll forget our fears and woes.
And we won't look forward to tommorow,
For truth shall turn us back to dull reality...

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